- Birds fly on the screen
- They flock using this Boids stuff
- Each bird is an instance of the Boid class, called by the Flock class, which is started in the main patch
- They flap!
- actually, it's just a picture of a bird that is alternately squished and not squished. :)
- Three ways to interact with the birds so far
- Whistle a descending third, and a new bird is born
- Pure Data and Processing are talking over Open Sound Control, and Pd listens for a note in whistling range, then waits for a note somewhere between 2 and 5 half-steps lower. If it hears it, it tells Processing to make a new bird/Boid
- There is also a tweet sound :)
- Make a noise too loud, and the birds go away for a while all flustered
- There's a decibel threshold in Pd that, when crossed, tells Processing that the birds are "scared" and the boundaries of the screen are removed, allowing the birds to disappear
- You also hear a fluttering sound, as the general bird noise loop fades out
- Wave something green in front of the camera, and you can herd the birds on the screen.
- There is a grid made out of groups of the pixels from the camera.
- Each group is checked to see if it is mostly green
- If it is, it is recorded in an ArrayList
- Then, a function checks how far the elements in the ArrayList go left, right, up and down, and draws a box around the whole thing (drawn as an ellipse on the screen).
- That box is now an object that the birds avoid.
As I learn more about capturing video from my screen, I'll post more detailed things with pictures and such. Here's one!